On Wednesday 1 April, the annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment begins. The S&P questionnaire will be open for filling in. As you know, this is the basis for selecting the best-
performing companies for the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). S&P Global assesses, each year, over 7,500 companies around the world on industry-specific and financially material ESG topics. Be ready and as a first step, check out the summary of changes for this year's methodology.
This year’s most important changes are
1. New or modified queries on
Privacy Protection is covering companies’ privacy policies and the mechanisms in place to ensure their effective implementation. Furthermore, breaches of customer privacy are to be mentioned
Information Security & Cyber security focuses on companies’ preparation to prevent major information security/cyber security incidents and past incidents and financial implications
Sustainable Finance: In project finance, criterion on 5% of revenues has been removed. Now you can give a breakdown of ESG products and corresponding volumes that these products represent
Innovation Management: "R&D" Breakdown by Innovation’ can now be mentioned
Product Stewardship: Now you have to provide the amount of packaging material used as well as the percentage of recycled packaging. Also, queries on companies’ packaging strategies are included.For Hazardous Substances, companies now have to provide their revenues from products that contain these substances.
Genetically Modified Organisms: This criterion is updated for disclosure on company’s GMO exposure, the company’s public statement on GMOs and the percentage of revenues derived from GMO products.
Access to Cost Burden: The query on fair pricing for Drugs and Pharmaceuticals is shortened and now only focuses on the weighted percentage year-over-year change in the average list price and the average net price.
2. The questions on quantitative data within Environmental and Social Reporting are deleted for all industries.
3. The criterion of Supply Chain Management is no longer applicable to the Professional Services (PRO) industry.
While assisting companies in Corporate Sustainability Assessments and Disclosures, RSM GC adopts practical, hands on, year on year approach that leverages existing performance and identifies opportunities for strategic development in the